332 research outputs found

    Multicolor Photometry of the Uranus Irregular Satellites Sycorax and Caliban

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    We report on accurate BVRI photometry for the two Uranus irregular satellites Sycorax and Caliban. We derive colours, showing that Sycorax is bluer than Caliban. Our data allows us to detect a significant variability in the Caliban's light-curve, which suggests an estimated period of about 3 hours. Despite it is the brighter of the two bodies, Sycorax does not display a strong statistically significant variability. However our data seem to suggest a period of about 4 hoursComment: 17 pages, 2 eps figures, in press in Astronomical Journa

    Fluids mobilization in Arabia Terra, Mars: depth of pressurized reservoir from mounds self-similar clustering

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    Arabia Terra is a region of Mars where signs of past-water occurrence are recorded in several landforms. Broad and local scale geomorphological, compositional and hydrological analyses point towards pervasive fluid circulation through time. In this work we focus on mound fields located in the interior of three casters larger than 40 km (Firsoff, Kotido and unnamed crater 20 km to the east) and showing strong morphological and textural resemblance to terrestrial mud volcanoes and spring-related features. We infer that these landforms likely testify the presence of a pressurized fluid reservoir at depth and past fluid upwelling. We have performed morphometric analyses to characterize the mound morphologies and consequently retrieve an accurate automated mapping of the mounds within the craters for spatial distribution and fractal clustering analysis. The outcome of the fractal clustering yields information about the possible extent of the percolating fracture network at depth below the craters. We have been able to constrain the depth of the pressurized fluid reservoir between ~2.5 and 3.2 km of depth and hence, we propose that mounds and mounds alignments are most likely associated to the presence of fissure ridges and fluid outflow. Their process of formation is genetically linked to the formation of large intra-crater bulges previously interpreted as large scale spring deposits. The overburden removal caused by the impact crater formation is the inferred triggering mechanism for fluid pressurization and upwelling, that through time led to the formation of the intra-crater bulges and, after compaction and sealing, to the widespread mound fields in their surroundings

    Geometric calibration of Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System of ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter

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    There are many geometric calibration methods for "standard" cameras. These methods, however, cannot be used for the calibration of telescopes with large focal lengths and complex off-axis optics. Moreover, specialized calibration methods for the telescopes are scarce in literature. We describe the calibration method that we developed for the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) telescope, on board of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). Although our method is described in the context of CaSSIS, with camera-specific experiments, it is general and can be applied to other telescopes. We further encourage re-use of the proposed method by making our calibration code and data available on-line.Comment: Submitted to Advances in Space Researc

    Evaluation of an Area-Based matching algorithm with advanced shape models

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    Nowadays, the scientific institutions involved in planetary mapping are working on new strategies to produce accurate high resolution DTMs from space images at planetary scale, usually dealing with extremely large data volumes. From a methodological point of view, despite the introduction of a series of new algorithms for image matching (e.g. the Semi Global Matching) that yield superior results (especially because they produce usually smooth and continuous surfaces) with lower processing times, the preference in this field still goes to well established area-based matching techniques. Many efforts are consequently directed to improve each phase of the photogrammetric process, from image pre-processing to DTM interpolation. In this context, the Dense Matcher software (DM) developed at the University of Parma has been recently optimized to cope with very high resolution images provided by the most recent missions (LROC NAC and HiRISE) focusing the efforts mainly to the improvement of the correlation phase and the process automation. Important changes have been made to the correlation algorithm, still maintaining its high performance in terms of precision and accuracy, by implementing an advanced version of the Least Squares Matching (LSM) algorithm. In particular, an iterative algorithm has been developed to adapt the geometric transformation in image resampling using different shape functions as originally proposed by other authors in different applications

    Le Lune di Padova / The Moons of Padova

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    Catalogo della mostra iconografica "Le Lune di Padova". Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, 16 luglio - 30 settembre 2019. La Luna è l’oggetto celeste a noi più vicino e anche quello che più di ogni altro, nel corso dei secoli, ha acceso la curiosità, lo stupore e l’immaginazione dell’Uomo. Da Luminare della notte e da misuratore del tempo, quale essa è stata per i popoli antichi, la Luna è poi divenuta oggetto di desiderio e di conquista impossibili, come testimoniano il fantastico viaggio sulla Luna di Astolfo, narrato da Ludovico Ariosto, o quello di Barbicane, Ardan e Nicholl, magistralmente descritto dalla penna di Jules Verne. Con l’avvento dell’astronomia telescopica, fu subito chiaro che la nostra Terra non è l’unico pianeta del Cosmo a godere di un satellite naturale perennemente in moto attorno a se stessa, ma che altre, e altrettanto affascinanti Lune, ruotano con imperitura grazia attorno ad altri pianeti, sia nel nostro Sistema Solare che fuori di esso. La mostra iconografica Le Lune di Padova ha raccontato le scoperte e gli studi fatti sulla Luna, e sulle innumerevoli Lune che popolano il Cielo, dagli astronomi che a Padova sono nati o hanno operato: da Galileo, che nel 1609 per la prima volta nella storia dell’umanità rivolse il suo telescopio al nostro satellite, rivelandone la vera natura, sino i recentissimi studi sul ghiaccio lunare condotti dal team dei planetologi padovani, passando attraverso alle numerose scoperte di altre Lune che hanno costellato la storia dell’astronomia degli ultimi 400 anni

    A new chronology for the Moon and Mercury

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    In this paper we present a new method for dating the surface of the Moon, obtained by modeling the incoming flux of impactors and converting it into a size distribution of resulting craters. We compare the results from this model with the standard chronology for the Moon showing their similarities and discrepancies. In particular, we find indications of a non-constant impactor flux in the last 500 Myr and also discuss the implications of our findings for the Late Heavy Bombardment hypothesis. We also show the potential of our model for accurate dating of other inner Solar System bodies, by applying it to Mercury.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, 1 table; accepted by A

    Ultra-High-Resolution 1 m/pixel CaSSIS DTM Using Super-Resolution Restoration and Shape-from-Shading: Demonstration over Oxia Planum on Mars

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    We introduce a novel ultra-high-resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) processing system using a combination of photogrammetric 3D reconstruction, image co-registration, image super-resolution restoration, shape-from-shading DTM refinement, and 3D co-alignment methods. Technical details of the method are described, and results are demonstrated using a 4 m/pixel Trace Gas Orbiter Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) panchromatic image and an overlapping 6 m/pixel Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Context Camera (CTX) stereo pair to produce a 1 m/pixel CaSSIS Super-Resolution Restoration (SRR) DTM for different areas over Oxia Planum on Mars—the future ESA ExoMars 2022 Rosalind Franklin rover’s landing site. Quantitative assessments are made using profile measurements and the counting of resolvable craters, in comparison with the publicly available 1 m/pixel High-Resolution Imaging Experiment (HiRISE) DTM. These assessments demonstrate that the final resultant 1 m/pixel CaSSIS DTM from the proposed processing system has achieved comparable and sometimes more detailed 3D reconstruction compared to the overlapping HiRISE DT

    A Possible Diapir in Athabasca Region on Mars

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    A circular feature was observed on Mars by the HiRISE camera. From DTM analysis its circular positive relief shape has been interpreted as diapiric phenomenon
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